I Occupy Space


Intel Releases The First Alpha of Moblin 2.0

with 4 comments

Update: Intel released the second alpha. Read the release announcement here.

Moblin, Intels entry into the netbook-Linux world, has been released as an alpha for testers. Based largely on Fedora, Moblin is optimized for Intel’s Atom and Core 2 processors. Right now, it uses the Xfce desktop environment, but that will be replaced with Intel’s Clutter technology, which lets programmers design applications that work like game engines and use the GPU, freeing up the processor to run the UI more efficiently.

Here’s a video of Moblin running on a Samsung NC10 from a USB flash drive:

Vodpod videos no longer available.

Written by giggens

January 31, 2009 at 9:09 am

4 Responses

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  1. […] posting this I have been searching for other people’s views of Moblin and found a video at I Occupy Space that Laptop Mag did with Moblin running from a USB pendrive.  The thing that surprised me was that […]

  2. This is likely the best netbook on the market but for one thing — the keyboard is coated with silver nano. Google “silver nano danger” to find out for yourself what this is. There are two main problems with it; first it is ultra small particles of silver that appears to damage organic cells (which is what makes it anti mircrobial), there are no studies to show that this stuff is safe, indeed there are many scientists who believe it may be dangerous to humans — a lawsuit has even been filed by a coalition of consumer groups to force to EPA to ban it. The second is that widespread use of anti microbial stuff like this is highly irresponsible; much like the over prescribing of antibiotics, worse even because there is no reason to have this stuff on the keyboard at all, these strong anti microbials lead to more resistant strains of super-bacteria — the only microcrobes left on your keyboard could be these super-bugs, free to multiply without competing with harmless bacteria.


    February 4, 2009 at 9:12 am

  3. The Samsung NC10 is a bit more expensive than its rival, the Acer Aspire One. Even though a cursory glance shows that they have the same features.

    The Features that made this a better buy than the Acer Aspire One:
    1. The 10.2 inch screen. the 1024×600 resolution seems to perfectly match the screen, graphics do not seem crammed inside the screen.
    2. The Keyboard. While most people shout from the rooftops about the full size right shift, I am left handed, so that did not matter. The keys are a pleasure to type on, springy enough to avoid tiring your hands.
    3. Bluetooth. Tether to your favorite phone and hit the road with 3G/EVDO goodness.
    4. Finally, the Battery LIFE! It is amazing, thanks to Samsung’s Battery monitor. I played CounterStrike 1.6 for 4.5 hours straight before getting bored. Doing late night homework, I started at 5, and at 12 I still had 22% or about an hour and then some remaining. As I typed this, I have 82% remaining, 5:45 min relative time.

    Review Samsung NC10 Netbook


    February 4, 2009 at 3:32 pm

  4. Gnome or KDE on a netbook would be painful. Stick to XFCE / LXDE for maximum responsiveness.


    October 9, 2009 at 7:19 am

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